For years now I have struggled with finding balance in my life. This is true in many different facets the life I lead: When is me time selfish and when it is important, when am I over scheduling my life and my kids life vs. adding new and exciting things, the list goes on and on.
Christmas is a time when my efforts for finding a balance seems to something I think of and ponder on more than ever. There are so many things I want to do and see, yet I don't want to make our already hectic lives anymore crazy than needed. Even more so is the challenge of finding a balance in this world of me and the true meaning of Christmas.
The past few years I have had many friends who have come to the conclusion that they aren't going to have Santa in their homes. For whatever reason their beliefs lead them to make this decision and I respect that for them and their families this is what they believe to be the right thing. After several years I have come to a conclusion of what I believe in.
I believe in Santa. I believe in the magic he brings to my home this time of year. I believe in the smiles he brings to my children's faces. I believe in the spirit of kindness and giving that he reminds us of.
I believe in the Elves who help all year to serve and help others and find joy in that. I believe in making cookies, gingerbread houses and men, fudge, etc and the time I spend with my family doing so. I believe in reindeer who help lead the way when it is dark.
I believe in my Savior, Jesus Christ. I believe He was born to this Earth all those those years ago in such humble of circumstances. I believe He lead a perfect life and died for me. I believe in the Wise men who had such great faith to follow that star to bring gifts to their King. I believe in the Shepherds who listened to the angel and seeked after their Savior.
I believe that it is possible to find a balance this time of year. (I also believe I will probably die before I completely accomplish it.) I believe that it is possible to have our Savior be the focus of our lives this time of year even if we are out seeing lights or watching a show about a Reindeer with a red nose (we did a really fun Family Home Evening activity on this one).
(I also believe in letting others believe as they wish, and pray that they do the same!)