Packed into these apartments are many, many families who have one or more members as students at the University. We are all VERY close to each other and know way more about each others business than probably anyone should. During the 3+ years I have lived here this has been cause for some serious fights and drama.
Rarely do I see my husband more than an hour or two during the wake hours. Me working nights and him working full time and going to school full time can do that (though me quitting my job and him being in the PMBA program-a program where they meet only 2 nights a week- I am going to be seeing more of him).
Yet, I seem to still love this place (most of the time).
My apartment has less room, which means less things. It has taught me to not keep everything. Not to mention my kids have a playground full of friends right outside our front door.
We are blessed to live by many people who come from other countries which has been a fun experience for us to get to know more about those countries and to have my children grow up around many different people from many different cultures.
I have met some of the most inspiring women. If you don't mind I would like to share a few thoughts about a few of those women.
One of my dearest friends right now was my neighbor. She has since moved. While living here she experienced some things that one can only dream of, and they are not the happy kind of dreams, including the loss of a baby at only 5 weeks. The way that her and her family dealt with that loss was an amazing testimony builder to me of eternal life. They have such strength and bonded together as a couple and family in a way I find so uplifting and inspiring. She has become a confidant, support, second mother to my children, and friend. I feel so blessed to know her.
Another friend is still a neighbor now. When I first met her I knew there is no way we would be friends! In my eyes at the time we could not be more different. She believes in natural home births... I want the epidural the minute I walk in the hospital. She is into natural foods.... some days me and my children eat cheetos and oreos for breakfast. Yet some how over the past few years I have gotten to know this woman and have developed such a deep respect and love for her. I use cloth diapers now (not all the time, but some of it) which I never dreamed I would do because of the excitement she had while talking with me of it. I have learned things about the gospel of Jesus Christ and how I tie into it through her that I never would have figured out on my own. She has taught me so much about looking at things and truly getting all that I can out of them. She has blessed my life more than I think she has any idea.
Recently I was pared up to go visiting teaching with a neighbor who I had known for a while and always really respected. You know how sometimes you think someone is amazing and could do no wrong until you get to know them. This woman is the opposite! You think she is amazing and then you get to know her and you realize she is even more amazing than you first had imagined! She is constantly cooking meals for others, volunteering to help with others children, or just going out of her way to help other women. She is so smart! I know she is not perfect... but she is pretty darn close!
You know that friend you can just say anything to and you know it's safe. I have one of those here. I could cry to her, whine to her, laugh with her, vent to her... and I know that no matter what we are going to end up ok and still be good friends. I love her for that!
I wish I could tell stories of all the amazing women in my life here. The ones who encouraged me as we did a triathlon together, who have taken my kids to their houses to play when they knew(or didn't know) that I needed a break, the ones who are new to my life and feel like kindred spirits (thanks Anne of Green Gables!), the friends who helped me through my baby blues, who held my kids during church when I was out of hands, the ones who have come to girls nights and made me laugh til my sides hurt! I am so blessed to know the women I do.
And my cute husband who works so hard to provide and go to school. Living here has been such a blessing to us when he is gone so much. He has been able to meet some pretty amazing people who have helped him in decision making when it comes to schools and jobs. And I have been blessed by the friends and neighbors I have in being taken care of while he is not around. I know there is always someone to help and that is a great blessing.
Before moving here I had a neighbor in my moms ward tell her how she LOVED her time living where we live and how she misses it. I had a hard time believing her when we first arrived. Now I know it to be true. The people we know here are going places. They are going to bless the lives of so many people and I feel so lucky to be one of those people. I'm not going to lie... I look forward to one day owning a home of my own, but for now this is my little cinder block heaven on earth!